Gender equality and sustainable development. Progress and challenges in the global agenda and at university




Equal opportunity, SDGs, SDG5, Gender gap, Gender, University, Sustainable development, Official reports, Gender mainstreaming


In 2015, the United Nations approved the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, including SDG 5, which proposes gender equality. Just seven years before the end of this Agenda, it is clear that, although there has been significant progress, there is still a lack of commitment and work by all administrations and educational entities to contribute to the achievement of all the goals that include the 17 SDGs. In this context, the objectives of this study are: 1) analysing, on the basis of the official reports provided by the United Nations SDG website, the differences between men and women worldwide, showing the link between SDG 5 and other SDGs; 2) finding out the university’s links with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and in particular with SDG 5; and 3) exploring the measures that have been carried out by Spanish universities for the implementation of SDG 5, promoting equal opportunities for men and women, in government and in research. In order to achieve these objectives, a descriptive methodology has been used, carrying out a bibliographic review of government reports and current Spanish legislation and scientific publications. Among the conclusions are recognized the significant advances that have been made in terms of equality policies, promotion of the gender perspective in education and research and the participation of women in academic and leadership roles. However, persistent challenges have also been identified, such as gender gaps in certain disciplines and the need to address and eliminate gender-based violence in the university environment. It is essential to maintain and strengthen the commitment with inclusive policies and concrete measures that address gender inequalities in Higher Education. This involves promoting diversity and equity in the recruitment and promotion of academic staff, as well as ensuring that a free of discrimination university culture and gender-based violence is promoted.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

García Luján Ávila, G. del S., & Albareda-Tiana, S. (2024). Gender equality and sustainable development. Progress and challenges in the global agenda and at university. Feminismo/s, (43), 213–243.



Monographic dossier