Educating for equality from a decolonial perspective: a participatory action experience with early childhood education students in Lamu, Kenya




Equality, Education, Childhood, Violence against Women, Participatory Action Research, Girls, Empowerment, Kenya


The elimination of violence against women is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Strategies to combat violence against women focus not only on its punitive correction, but also on promoting preventive measures. For this reason, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals recognise the need to include gender education at all levels of education. Similarly, this study, supported by other recent research, considers the inclusion of a gender approach in education as a strategy to prevent violence against women to be essential. In this study, we examined the level of gender equality knowledge in the final year of early childhood education in a school integrated into a non-governmental organisation on the island of Lamu, Kenya. The study was carried out using a participatory action methodology through the design and implementation of a course on «Human Rights and Gender Equality» in the 2019 academic year through twenty formative and participatory workshops. The decision to carry out this intervention stems from having become aware of a sexual aggression by several pupils of the entity’s nursery school against a five-year-old girl. Among the results, we observed the existing differences between the conception of equality in childhood, where there is an egalitarian community upbringing, and adulthood, where gender stereotypes are very evident. We also perceived how violence was intrinsic to children’s lives in public and private spaces, which could influence the possibility of justifying violence towards women as a form of correction from a very early age. In the conclusions, the possibility of working on gender equality issues to give children a space of trust where they can be listened to and respected is positively valued.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Fernández Quiroga, A. (2024). Educating for equality from a decolonial perspective: a participatory action experience with early childhood education students in Lamu, Kenya. Feminismo/s, (43), 127–150.



Monographic dossier