For another history of women in literature


  • Martine Reid Université de Lille, Francia


Palabras clave:

Literature, Literary history, Literary genre


The article consists of a short presentation of a project I directed for several years: for the first time, my colleagues and I will present all the information we have concerning the place, the role, and the works of women in French literature from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, with a chapter dedicated to the Francophone world. The article also includes general views on the subject and the reasons to publish such a book, as well as considerations about the novel, which has been traditionally considered as a «genre» for women.


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Denby, David J. Sentimental Narrative and the Social Order in France, 1760-1820, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Héritier, Françoise. Masculin/féminin. La Pensée de la différence. Paris: Odile Jacob, 1996.

Lorusso, Silvia. Matrimonio o morte. Saggio sul romanzo sentimentale francese (1799-1833), Taranto: Lisi Editore, 2005.

McDonald, Christie, et Susan Suleiman, French Global. A New Approach to Literary History, New York, Columbia University Press, 2010 [traduction française:

French Global. Une nouvelle perspective sur l’histoire littéraire, Paris: Editions Garnier, 2015].

Reid, Martine. Des femmes en littérature. Paris: Belin, 2010.

Santa, Àngels, et M. Carme Figuerola (dir.). Les romancières sentimentales: nouvelles approches, nouvelles perspectives. Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, col. « Ull Critic», n.° 17-18, 2014.

Vaillant, Alain. L’Histoire littéraire. Paris: Armand Colin, 2010.

Zola, Émile. «Lettre à la jeunesse» (1879), Le roman expérimental (éd. Aimé Guedj). Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 1971.


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Cómo citar

Reid, M. (2019). For another history of women in literature. Feminismo/s, (34), 43–52.



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